@Vidiot- I didn't leave the JW cult because they were not "conservative enough" (as if that is a bad thing) or "authoritarian enough" (too much is a bad thing) but rather because it is a family destroying cult built upon lies and interpretations of a few old senile narcissists.
When I was in the Borg, I always pondered the thought of "God" making people gay and then judging them based on their defective genetic material. No loving "God" would have allowed that.
See you have me all wrong. We are ALL just victims of the roll of the cosmic dice. I certainly don't hate gays! Just because I find their sexual affinities, shall we say, "repulsive" doesn't mean I hate them as a human.
BTW, the rabbit hole goes very deep with this one. The case made that pedophiles, homosexuals, necrophiliacs, zoophilics etc are all captives of their genetic material cannot be denied, nor should it. So the question is, which is acceptable and which is not?